Ehsan Sheybani

Campus: Sarasota-Manatee
Room: C232
Phone: 941-359-4387
Ehsan Sheybani teaches in both School of Information Systems and Management and USF College of Engineering. His current research involves teacher and K-16 cybersecurity and engineering (STEM) education/outreach, AI/ML applications, Windows malware detection, modeling and simulation, detective/predictive/preventive analytics, and forensic analysis of cybersecurity attacks/threats. He is a senior member of IEEE and ASEE and a Fellow of IEEE WTS.
His main research area has been applications of communication, signal processing and data analysis in different fields of physical science and engineering such as GIS/remote sensing, biomedicine, oceanography, satellite communications, embedded systems, radar imaging, systems health and predictive analytics just to name a few. He has a long list of publications, awards, and research grants including more than $6 mllion in funded projects from NASA, NSF, NIH, DoD, DEd, CyberFlorida and industry partners such as Google, Microsoft and Texas Instruments. He has had more than six years of experience working for the wireless communication industries (BellSouth and Siemens Telecom) and has been awarded seven summer faculty research fellowships with NASA (GSFC, AMES, SSC) and ONR. He has had countless contributions to his field through these fellowships including design and development of innovative space RF communication systems and instruments, remote sensing from space- and air-borne sensors, satellite/radar image processing and blind quality assessment, spacecraft power system health management, and many undergraduate and graduate publications among others.
Sheybani earned a PhD from USF, a master's degree from Florida State University and a bachelor's degree from the University of Florida, all with concentrations on electrical engineering.