
Tony Kong

Tony Kong

Associate Professor
Room: BSN 3319
Phone: (813) 974-1879

Dejun “Tony” Kong is an associate professor in the School of Information Systems and Management and faculty director of the Bishop Center for Ethical Leadership at USF. In 2019, he was selected by Poets & Quants as one of the 40 best business school professors under the age of 40 in the world, and was named an Ascendant Scholar by the 911stern Academy of Management. In 2021, he was ranked by Elsevier BV and Stanford University as a worldwide top 2% scientist based on research impact for 2020. He has taught courses on negotiation, leadership, managerial decision making, organizational behavior and culture at the undergraduate, MBA, Executive MBA, and PhD levels.

His research interests include trust, negotiation, leadership, positive psychology (e.g., humor, gratitude, mindfulness), and culture. His work has appeared in numerous well-regarded journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Business Ethics, the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, the Journal of Vocational Behavior , the Journal of World Business, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, among others. He has received numerous research, teaching, and service awards. 

He earned a PhD and a MS in business administration (organizational behavior) from the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis. He received a bachelor’s degree in management science from Fudan University in Shanghai.


  • (*equal authorship) Belkin, L.*, & Kong, D. T.* (in press). Beliefs in government benevolence can promote individuals’ compliance with government-issued guidelines: The role of positive affect and general construal level. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
  • Li, A., Kong, D. T., Lin, Q., & Fan, Y. (in press). Why do followers feel inauthentic and withdraw?: The joint effect of leader Machiavellianism and perceived collectivistic work climate. Journal of Personality.
  • (*equal authorship) Kong, D. T.*, & Belkin, L. Y. (in press). You don't care for me, so what's the point for me to care for your business? Negative implications of felt neglect by the employer for the employee work meaning and citizenship behaviors amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Li, A., Chiu, S., Kong, D. T., Cropanzano, R., & Ho, C. -W. (2021). How CEOs respond to mortality salience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Integrating terror management theory with regulatory focus theory. Journal of Applied Psychology, in press.

  • (*equal authorship) Belkin, L.*, & Kong, D. T.* (2021). Supervisor companionate love expression and elicited subordinate gratitude as moral-emotional facilitators of voice amid COVID-19. Journal of Positive Psychology, in press.

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  • Kong, D. T., & Yao, J. (2021). Words beyond the partial deed: Prosocial framing of a partial-trust act promotes reciprocation between strangers. Social Psychology Quarterly, in press.
  • Jolly, P., Kong, D. T., & Kim, K. Y. (in press). Social support at work: An integrative review. Journal of Organizational Behavior (Annual Review and Conceptual Development Issue).
  • Tuncel, E., Kong, D. T., McLean Parks, J., & Van Kleef, G. (2020). Face Threat Sensitivity in Distributive Negotiations: Effects on Negotiator Self-Esteem and Demands. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, 255-273. ​
  • Vera, D., Samba, C., Kong, D. T., & Maldonado, T. (2020). Resilience as thriving: The role of positive leadership practices. Organizational Dynamics, in press.
  • Cao, J.*, Kong, D. T.*, & Galinsky, A. D. (2020). Breaking Bread Produces Bigger Pies: An Empirical Extension of Shared Eating to Negotiations and a Commentary on Woolley and Fishbach (2019) Psychological Science, online available. (*equal authorship)
  • Kong, D. T., Ho, V. T., & Garg, S., (2020), “Employee and coworker idiosyncratic deals: Implications for emotional exhaustion and deviant behaviors,” Journal of Business Ethics, 164, 593-609.
  • Kong, D. T., & Belkin, L. Y. (2019). Being grateful and biased: Felt gratitude as a cause of escalation bias in relational dilemmas. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 83, 88-101.
  • Kong, D. T., Cooper, C. D., & Sosik, J. J. (2019). The state of research on leader humor. Organizational Psychology Review, 9, 3-40 (lead article).


  • Trustee, St. Anthony's Hospital (Florida) Board of Trustees
  • Editor, SiGNAL Newsletter
  • Faculty Director, Bishop Center for Ethical Leadership
  • Associate editor, Journal of Organizational Behavior
  • Former representative at large, International Association for Conflict Management
  • Member, editorial review boards of Academy of Management Journal, Group and Organization Management, Human Relations, Journal of Business and Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Trust Research, Leadership Quarterly, Management and Organization Review, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Journal of Management Inquiry
  • Guest editor, Journal of Trust Research special issue on trust in negotiations and repeated bargaining
  • Former Ambassador at large, Academy of Management’s Diversity & Inclusion Theme Committee
  • Member, Academy of Management Organizational Behavior Division’s Best Paper with International Implications Award Committee 2018-2019 2019) and Making Connections Committee (2016-present)