
Lin Jiang

Lin Jiang

Associate Professor
Room: BSN 3332
Phone: 813-974-6184

Lin Jiang is an associate professor of entrepreneurship at the Muma College of Business, 911±¬ÁĎÍř. She has taught courses across different levels in the past including Strategic Management (undergraduate, doctoral), Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship (undergraduate), Strategic Market Assessment for New Technologies (master’s), and Social Entrepreneurship ( master’s).

Jiang’s research focuses on change agents, such as innovators and entrepreneurs, who can make a significant impact on their surroundings. She has extensively studied various change agents and their abilities to create, share, and effectively communicate the value they generate. Within this overall research context, her current research interests include entrepreneurs’ communication strategies, particularly the use of emotions to enhance persuasion, and the biophilia effect in entrepreneurship and business. Her research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Science Advances, Research Policy, and Industrial and Corporate Change. Her work has been quoted by the chamber of commerce, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (), VoxEU.org, Inside Higher Ed, Wired.com, PhysicsWorld, Phys.org, and Science Daily. She has received the William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the Best Paper Award and the Outstanding Reviewer Award from the Academy of Management.

Jiang received a PhD in management from the Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology. She holds an MBA/MS in Information Technology Management from the College of Business Administration at Creighton University. She also holds bachelor's degrees in information science and economics from Peking University in China.


  • ENT 6186 / EIN 6935 - Strategic Market Assessment for New Technologies
  • ENT 6506 - Social Entrepreneurship
  • ENT 6947 - Advanced Topics in Entrepreneurship
  • ENT 3163 - Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship
  • GEB 4890 - Strategic Management/Decision Making


  • Oo, P. P., Jiang, L., Sahaym, A., Parhankangas, A., & Chan, R. 2023. Actions in words: How entrepreneurs use diversified and changing speech acts to achieve funding success. Journal of Business Venturing, 38(2): 106289.

  • Jiang, L., Yin, D., Liu, D., & Johnson, R. 2022. The More Enthusiastic, the Better? Unveiling a Negative Pathway From Entrepreneurs’ Displayed Enthusiasm to Funders’ Funding Intentions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. .

  • Jiang, L., Yin, D., & Liu, D. 2019. Can Joy Buy You Money? The Impact of the Strength, Duration, and Phases of an Entrepreneur’s Peak Displayed Joy on Funding Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6): 1848–1871.

  • Thursby, J. G., Haeussler, C., Thursby, M. C., & Jiang, L. 2018. Prepublication disclosure of scientific results: Norms, competition, and commercial orientation. Science Advances, 4(5): 1–14.

  • Ceccagnoli, M., & Jiang, L. 2013. The cost of integrating external technologies: Supply and demand drivers of value creation in the markets for technology. Strategic Management Journal, 34(4): 404–425.

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  • Jiang, L., Clark, B. B., & Turban, D. B. 2022. Overcoming the challenge of exploration: How decompartmentalization of internal communication enhances the effect of exploration on employee inventive performance. Technovation, 102611.

  • Haeussler, C., Jiang, L., Thursby, J., & Thursby, M. 2014. Specific and general information sharing among competing academic researchers. Research Policy, 43(3): 465–475.

  • Jiang, L., Tan, J., & Thursby, M. 2010. Incumbent firm invention in emerging fields: evidence from the semiconductor industry. Strategic Management Journal, 32(1): 55–75.

  • Rothaermel, F. T., Agung, S. D., & Jiang, L. 2007. University entrepreneurship: a taxonomy of the literature. Industrial and Corporate Change, 16(4): 691–791.


  • Member, Academy of Management
  • Ad Hoc Referee for Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, and others.