
Timothy B. Heath

Timothy Heath

Professor, Interim Associate Dean for Research and Professional Programs
Room: BSN 3225
Phone: (813) 974-6224

Timothy B. Heath is interim associate dean of research and professional programs in the Muma College of Business, while serving as professor and Muma Fellow in the School of Marketing and Innovation. His research investigates issues in branding, persuasion, and innovation.

He publishes in the field's best journals including the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Consumer Research, and reviews for numerous publications while serving on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Consumer Research.  Professor Heath received a 2018 Outstanding Area Editor Award from the Journal of Marketing, and in 2019 was a Fulbright Scholar (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and received an Outstanding Faculty Award from USF. Heath has also served on the faculties of the University of Pittsburgh, Miami University, ESSEC Business School, and HEC Paris, and also served as a visiting professor at the University of Notre Dame where he won the MBA program's Outstanding Teacher of the Year award. He also serves as an expert witness on legal cases involving deceptive advertising. 

He earned aPhD in Business Administration at the University of Iowa and bachelor's degrees in psychology and sociology from Northern Illinois University.


  • MAR 6936.080 Creativity and Critical Thinking in Science

  • MAR 6936.903 Creativity and Critical Thinking in Marketing

  • MAR 6646 Research for Marketing Managers

  • MAR 7555 Consumer Behavior Theory

  • MAR 7629 Applied Experimental Methods in Behavioral Science


  • Liu, Yuanyuan, Timothy B. Heath, and Ayse Öncüler (2020), “The Future Ambiguity Effect: How Narrow Payoff Ranges Increase Future Payoff Appeal,” Management Science.

  • Chatterjee, Subimal, Dipankar Rai, and Timothy B. Heath (2016), “Tradeoff Between Time and Money: The Asymmetric Consideration of Opportunity Costs,” Journal of Business Research, 69 (July), 2560-2566.

  • Kull, Alexander J. and Timothy B. Heath (2016), “You Decide, 911 Donate: Strengthening Consumer-Brand Relationships through Digitally Co-Created Social Responsibility,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (March), 78-92. 

  • Heath, Timothy B., Subimal Chatterjee, Suman Basuroy, Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, and Bruno Kocher (2015), “Innovation Sequences Over Iterated Offerings: A Relative Innovation, Comfort, and Stimulation Framework of Consumer Responses,” Journal of Marketing, 79 (November), 71-93.

  • Heath, Timothy B., Devon DelVecchio, and Michael S. McCarthy (2011), “The Asymmetric Effects of Extending Brands to Lower and Higher Quality,” Journal of Marketing, 75 (July), 3-20.


  • Area editor, Journal of Marketing 2015-2018
  • Member, editorial review board, Journal of Marketing, 2011-present
  • Member, editorial review board, Journal of Consumer Research, 2002-2006, 2018-present
  • Reviewer, 20 publications, including the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Marketing Research