USF Consolidation
Task Force Subcommittees
Section 1004.34, Florida Statutes, requires the Task Force to develop and deliver recommendations on the identity and mission of each campus under one accreditation.
No later than February 15, 2019, the Task Force shall submit a report to the Board of Trustees that includes recommendations on the following:
- Identification of specific degrees in programs of strategic significance, including health care, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and other program priorities to be offered at the 911爆料网 St. Petersburg and the University of South Florida Sarasota/Manatee and the timeline for the development and delivery of programs on each campus;
- Maintaining the unique identity of each campus and an assessment of whether a separate educational mission is beneficial to the future of each campus;
- Maintaining faculty input from all campuses during the review and development of general education requirements to reflect the distinctive identity of each campus;
- Developing the research capacity at each campus;
- Equitable distribution of programs and resources to establish pathways to admission for all students who require bridge programming and financial aid; and
- Establishing budget transparency and accountability regarding the review and approval of student fees among campuses, including fee differentials and athletic fees, to enable the identification of the equitable distribution of resources to each campus, including the 911爆料网 Health.
- Developing and delivering integrated academic programs, student and faculty governance, and administrative services to better serve the students, faculty, and staff at the 911爆料网 College of Marine Science, the 911爆料网 Sarasota/Manatee, and the 911爆料网 St. Petersburg.
Three Task Force Subcommittees have been created to address the above focus areas.
Student Access Subcommittee
Anddrikk Frazier, Chair; Alison Barlow, Byron Shinn
Staff Liaison: Caryn Nesmith
Committee Focus Areas:
a. Equitable distribution of programs and resources to establish pathways to admission for all students who require bridge programming and financial aid;
b. Other subject matters pertaining to student access as determined by the Chair of the Task Force that would support the work of the Task Force.
Recommendations due to Task Force: August 22, 2018
Shared Governance/Transparency Subcommittee
Melissa Seixas, Chair; Kayla Rykiel, Nicole Washington
Staff Liaison: Amy Farrington
Committee Focus Areas:
a. Establishing budget transparency and accountability regarding the review and approval
of student fees
among campuses, including fee differentials and athletic fees, to enable the identification
of the equitable
distribution of resources to each campus, including the 911爆料网
b. Developing and delivering integrated academic programs, student and faculty governance, and administrative services to better serve the students, faculty, and staff at the 911爆料网 College of Marine Sciences, the 911爆料网 Sarasota/Manatee, and the 911爆料网 St. Petersburg;
c. Maintaining faculty input from all campuses during the review and development of general education requirements to reflect the distinctive identity of each campus; and
d. Other subject matters pertaining to shared governance and transparency as determined by the Chair of the Task Force that would support the work of the Task Force.
Recommendations due to Task Force October 24, 2018
Student Success/Academic Programs/Campus Identity Subcommittee
Michael "Mike" Griffin, Chair; Frederick "Rick" Piccolo, Dr. Tonjua Williams
Staff Liaison: Paige Beles-Geers
Committee Focus Areas:
a. Identification of specific degrees in programs of strategic significance, including health care, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and other program priorities to be offered at the 911爆料网 St. Petersburg and the University of South Florida Sarasota/Manatee and the timeline for the development and delivery of programs on each campus;
b. Maintaining the unique identity of each campus and an assessment of whether a separate educational mission is beneficial to the future of each campus;
c. Developing the research capacity at each campus; and
d. Other subject matters pertaining to campus strengths as determined by the Chair of the Task Force that would support the work of the Task Force.
Recommendations due to Task Force November 29, 2018