

College of The Arts


Art History: Faculty & Graduate Student News


Cover image of The Art of the Renaissance Book

Helena Katalin Szépe with Ilaria Andreoli. The Art of the Rennaissance Book. Tributes in Honor of Lilian Armstrong. Turnhout: Brepols, in press, June 2023.

Presentation of the book was held at the Palazzo Franchetti, Venice on June 16, 2023 with speakers including the scholars Holger Klein (Colombia University), Cristina Dondi (Oxford University), Frederick Ilchman (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston), Giordana Mariani Canova (University of Padua).

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Helena Katalin Szépe, "Fragmented and Forgotten, Italian Manuscripts in Arts, Design, and Natural History Museums," Rivista di storia della miniatura 26 (2022): 16: 158-80.

Book Chapters

Esra Akın-Kıvanç, "Ottoman Calligraphy: Form, Meaning, and Function," in Ottoman Studies

Reader, ed. Linda Darling, Cambridge University Press, in print.

Pamela Merrill Brekka, "Introduction," Escondidos no Caminho, exhibition catalog, Dan Pelegrin, ed. Museo de Arte DA UFC, Universidade Federal do Cesará, 2023.

Helena Katalin Szépe, "Introduction," and "Benedetto Bordon, the Barozzi Master, and the Venetian Procurators," in The Art of the Rennaissance Book, eds. Ilaria Andreoli and Helena Szépe.

Video Presentation

Esra Akın-Kıvanç, Muthanna / Mirror Writing, Khamseen,

Exhibition Curated

Dr. Brekka, Escondidos no Caminho, Museo de Arte DA UFC.

Faculty Presentations

In September 2022, Prof. Sheramy Bundrick presented a paper titled "Personal or Strictly Business? Creativity and Commerce in the Athenian Potters' Quarters" as part of the "Beazley in the 21st Century" symposium hosted by the Classical Art Research Centre of the University of Oxford. Dr. Bundrick's paper and all the presentations can be viewed online at .

In January 2023, Prof. Bundrick gave a paper at the Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting titled "Ta Aphrodisia and the Visual Language of Athenian Adornment Scenes," based on work for her book in progress, tentatively titled The Family of Citizens in Classical Athenian Art.

In March 2023, Prof. Bundrick gave a talk titled "Mobility, Memory, and Athenian Red-Figure 911±¬ÁÏÍødding Vases" as part of a series titled "Present and Future of Red-Figure Pottery Studies: Thematic and Methodological Approaches," organized by the .

In June 2022, Prof. Fraser presented "Two Sultanas and a Beardless Youth: Sexual Politics and the Multiple Audiences of Ottoman Albums" at the International Congress of Turkish Art, University of Warsaw.

Prof. Szépe presented a paper titled, "The Ornament of Order. Penwork in a Prayerbook for a Venetian Nun," at the Penflourishing Symposium, School of Advanced Study, University of London, June 1-2, 2023.

Faculty Research & Work in Progress

In fall 2022, Prof. Sheramy Bundrick conducted research for several projects at Oxford's Bodleian Library, the Ashmolean Museum, and the British Museum in London.

Prof. Elisabeth Fraser nears completion of her fouth book, Agents of Contact: Ottoman Costume Books in Transimperial Networks of Exchange. During 2022-23, she completed a draft of the final core chapter, "Beyond Turquerie: Finding the Ottomans in the Recueil Ferriol."

Dr. Riccardo Marchi is working on his book Learning to Look at Pure Painting: Umberto Boccioni, Robert Delaunay, Wassily Kandinsky and Der Sturm, 1912-1914.


Congratulations to Prof. Fraser and Dr. Marchi, who have been awarded a sabbatical leave for the academic year 2023-2024!

Faculty Grants

In fall 2022, Dr. Esra Akın-Kıvanç was awarded a College of The Arts (CoTA) Summer Research Grant to conduct research in Greece and Türkiye toward a peer-reviewed article titled "Islamic Art in the Church: Cross Cultural Fertilization in Medieval Textual Design." Dr. Akın-Kıvanç was also a recipient of a USF Research & Innovation Proposal Enhancement Grant. This grant will facilitate travel to and research in Spain, Morocco, Türkiye toward her new book Connected by Design: Islamic Calligraphy in Cross-Cultural Contexts ca. 650-1700 CE.

Prof. Elisabeth Fraser was awarded a CoTA Off-Cycle Research Grant (June 2022), CoTA Research Grant (summer 2022), International Faculty Travel Grant (spring 2023), a Creative Scholarship Grant (spring 2023), and a USF Research & Innovation Proposal Enhancement Grant (spring 2023).

Student Publications

Mia Reich (MA 2022) published an article, "Framing Kandinsky's Painting with Red Spot (1914): An Intervention of Abstraction and Meaning-Making in the Museum Space" in the 2022 edition of Athanor.

Presentations by Former and Recent MAs

Tessa Artis (MA 2022) presented "Unutterable and Raging Desire: The Bride of Christ and the Canticum Canticorum" at SECAC, Baltimore, 2022.

Richard Ellis (MA 2019) presented "In the Shadow of the Crescent: The Tampa Bay Hotel and Islamic Architecture" at the Henry B. Plant Museum on June 10, 2023.

Stephanie Haas (MA 2023) presented "Fragmented Hours" at the 2023 Annual Graduate Student Art History Symposium at FSU in March 2023. Her article based on the talk will be published in the journal Athanor. She is presenting a paper entitled "Fragmented Hours: The Biography of a Printed Devotional Book at the 2023 Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louise University, June 12-14, 2023. 

Student Interships

The Ringling Museum of Art selected Delaney Foy for a summer 2023 internship in the Education Department. Congratulations Delaney!

The Art History Symposium was a terrific success! Congratulations to all our wonderful speakers!

  • 1st place, Meredith Wilbur, "Sexuality in the French Harem: Mademoiselle de Clermont en sultane"
  • 2nd place, Delaney Foy, "The Curation and Proliferation of Sultanic Images: An Analysis of the Zoomorphic Ornament of a Deccan Dagger"
  • Honorable Mention, Susan Rimensnyder, "A 911±¬ÁÏÍøb of Histories and Empires: The New Museum, Berlin"
  • 1st place, Julia Laurent, "A Medieval Andalusian Astrolabe: A Paragon of Artistic, Cultural, and Scientific Hybridity"
  • 2nd place, Jessica Loaiza, "The Complexities of Kerry James Marshall's De Style"

Congratulations to our recent graduates who will be pursuing a Ph.D. in Art History!

  • Tessa Artis - Case 911±¬ÁÏÍøstern Reserve University, full scholarship
  • Vanessa Gillette - University of Florida, full scholarship
  • Erin Wilson - Southern Methodist University, full scholarship

Congratulations to the class of 2023!

Picture of 2023 graduates.
  • Stephanie Haas, MA
  • Vera Reutova, MA
  • Susan Rimensnyder, MA
  • Arianna 911±¬ÁÏÍøber, MA