

School of Music

USF College of The Arts

Voice & Opera

  • Bachelor of Arts in Music Studies
  • Bachelor of Music in Music Performance
  • Bachelor of Science in Music Education
  • Master of Music in Music Performance

Our voice program equips students with a robust foundation and a well-rounded education, preparing them to excel as performers, educators, conductors, and community musical leaders. Through comprehensive training and experience in solo voice study, vocal pedagogy, diction, literature, conducting, acting, and diverse ensembles, students develop a broad skill set. They will explore a diverse repertoire and culminate their studies with a solo recital, showcasing their growth and achievements.

voice Studio Faculty

Dr. Kyoung Cho, Professor of Voice / Head of USF Voice Program | kyoung@usf.edu

Dr. Sarah Klopfenstein, Voice | sek31@usf.edu 

Jack Rain, Diction | jackrain@usf.edu 

Stephanie Sager, Voice | sagers@usf.edu

Voice Audition Guidelines and Requirements

Please direct any questions regarding vocal auditions to Dr. Kyoung Cho, Professor of Voice & Head of USF Voice Program.