Graduate: Core Design Gallery
This selection of student design work was created during the Core Design sequence. During these courses, students build portfolios of design work which they submit for faculty review before advancing into the Advanced Design sequence.
Core Design 1
Core Design 1 focuses on design abstractions and analysis of the factors influencing conceptual design. Emphasis is placed on ordering principles, pattern recognition and utilization, and figure-ground relationships.
Images from Core Design 1 with Prof. Steve Cooke. Right: Design by Reid Fisher. Bottom Left and Right: Design by Baibin Jiang.

Core Design 2
Core Design 2 focuses on synthesis of design concepts and application of ordering principles in architectural design. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding and awareness of architectural elements and compositions.
Image credit right, bottom left and bottom right: War Memorial Design by Alexander Giraldo for Core Design 2 with Prof. Levent Kara.

Top images from Core Design 2 with Prof. Steve Cooke. Left: Midterm project by Marquessa Pichette. Right: Midterm project by Jeraldy Stephanis.
To see examples of complete student Core Design Portfolios, visit our .