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Professional History 2019-present Associate Professor, Department of Womens and Gender Studies, 911 2022-present Affiliate, Department of Sociology, 911 2019-present Affiliate, Department of Communication, 911 2013-2019 Assistant Professor, Department of Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida 2010-2013 Senior Lecturer, Womens and Gender Studies, Vanderbilt University Honors and Awards Summer 2024 CAS-ORS Humanities Project Completion Summer Stipend ($7564) Fall 2023 USF Research Sabbatical, 911 2022 USF Humanities Institute Summer Research Grant, 911 ($5000) 2019 USF Humanities Institute Summer Research Grant, 911 ($5000) 2014 USF Humanities Institute Summer Research Grant, 911 ($5000) 2010 Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Emory University (declined) 2006 Institute of Comparative and International Studies Fellowship, Emory University (for on-site research on intersex activism in San Francisco$2000) 2005-2010 Woodruff Fellowship, Emory University (Emorys top graduate Fellowship) Languages Spanish (reading) Major Fields of Specialization Feminist theory; queer theory; intersex studies; transgender studies; science and technology studies; transnational feminisms; history of gender, race, and sexuality; health inequalities; disability studies; masculinity studies; cultural and literary studies Monographs 2017 Intersex Matters: Biomedical Embodiment, Gender Regulation, and Transnational Activism. Albany: SUNY Press. Reviewed in: H-Net Reviews; Transgender Studies Quarterly; Manhattan Review of Books; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Edited Collections 2017 Co-editor (with Cyd Cipolla, Kristina Gupta, and Angela Willey). Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Reviewed in: Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience; Social History of Medicine; Years Work in Critical & Cultural Theory Journal Special Issues 2024 Editor, Dossier: Envisioning African Intersex: Challenging Colonial and Racist Legacies in South African Medicine, by Amanda Lock Swarr. Feminist Formations, forthcoming. 2022 Co-editor (with Jack Geisiking), Dossier on Hil Malatinos Trans Care, Feminist Formations, vol. 34, no. 3. 2022 Co-editor (with Michelle Wolff and Amanda Lock Swarr), The Intersex Issue (spec. issue), Transgender Studies Quarterly: TSQ, vol. 9, no. 2. 2017 Co-editor (with Meridith Kruse). Dossier on Lynne Huffers Are the Lips a Grave? A Queer Feminist on the Ethics of Sex. Feminist Formations, vol. 29, no. 3: 132- 207. Refereed Articles and Book Chapters 2024 Intersex Medical Photography, Souse Intersex Medical Photography, Sous Rature (Under Erasure): Haunted Colonial Histories and Decolonial Intersex Futurities, Feminist Formations, forthcoming. 2024 Feminist and Queer STS, in Feminist Studies: Foundations, Conversations, Applications, eds., HemanginiGupta, Kelly Sharron, Carly Thomsen, and Abraham 911il(New York: Routledge, forthcoming). 2024 Gender Studies and STS, in Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies, eds., Ulrike Felt and Alan Irwin (London: Edward Elgar, forthcoming). 2023 Intersex. Rethinking Womens and Gender Studies, Volume 2, eds., Ann Braithwaite and Catherine Orr. New York: Routledge, 52-62. 2022 (with Jack Geisiking) Coming to (Trans) Care: An Introduction, Feminist Formations, vol. 34, no. 3: 127-132. 2022 Intersex Care, Feminist Formations vol. 34, no. 3: 178-187. 2022 The Intersex Issue: An Introduction, (with Michelle Wolff and Amanda Lock Swarr), Transgender Studies Quarterly: TSQ, vol. 9, no. 2, 143-159. 2022 (with Michelle Wolff and Amanda Lock Swarr) Crafting Intersex Justice: Interview with Sean Saifa Wall and Pigeon Pagonis of the Intersex Justice Project, Transgender Studies Quarterly: TSQ, vol. 9, no. 2: 187-195. 2021 Anger, Aggression, Attitude: Intersex Rage as Biopolitical Protest, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 46.4: 987-1011. 2020 Queer Science Studies/Queer Science (with Kristina Gupta). The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science. Ed., Sharon Crasnow and Kristen Intemann. New York: Routledge, 131-143. 2019 Transgender and Intersex Men. Mens Health Equity: A Handbook. Ed., Derek M. Griffith, Marino A Bruce, and Roland J. Thorpe, Jr. New York: Routledge. 2017 Introduction (with Meridith Kruse). Feminist Formations, vol. 29, no. 3: 132-141. 2017 This Kinky Practice of Freedom: On Lips, Rifts, and Huffers Queer Feminist Ethics of Eros. Feminist Formations, vol. 29, no. 3: 179-185. 2015 Provincializing Intersex: U.S. Intersex Activism, Human Rights, and Transnational Body Politics. Frontiers: Journal of Womens Studies, vol. 36, no. 3: 51-83. 2013 Do I Need a Contract to Kiss You?: Consent, Incapacitation, and the Ethics of Sex. Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International, vol. 2, no. 1: 99-105. 2012 An Unnamed Blank that Craved a Name: A Genealogy of Intersex as Gender. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 37, no. 4: 883-908. 2007 Co-author (with Miranda Joseph). Promising Complicities: On the Sex, Race, and Globalization Project. A Companion to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies, eds., George E. Haggerty and Molly McGarry. London: Blackwell Publishing. 430-451. 2005 Womens Studies, Neoliberalism, and the Paradox of the Political. Womens Studies for the Future: Foundations, Interrogations, Politics, eds., Elizabeth Kennedy and Agatha Beins. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 245-261. Reprints 2019 Provincializing Intersex: U.S. Intersex Activism, Human Rights, and Transnational Body Politics (a solicited and revised version of my Frontiers article). Womens Reproductive and Sexual Rights: Transnational Perspectives,ed., Tanya Bakrhu. New York: Routledge, forthcoming. 2017 An Unnamed Blank that Craved a Name: A Genealogy of Intersex as Gender (a solicited and revised version of my Signs article). Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader, eds., Cyd Cipolla, Kristina Gupta, David A. Rubin, and Angela Willey. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 82-96. Shorter Essays, Book Reviews, and Encyclopedia Entries 2017 Queering Biology, Gutting Feminism: A Review Essay of Gut Feminism by Elizabeth A. Wilson (invited review essay). Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 22, no. 2: 254-261. 2016 Biochemistry and Physiology of Sex and Gender (invited entry). Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, ed., Nancy Naples. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 1-7. 2016 Legacies of Sexology (invited review essay). Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 41, no. 2: 464-471. 2014 Documenting Intersex, Trans, and Gender Non-Conforming Lives, Films for the Feminist Classroom, vol. 5, no. 1:  HYPERLINK "http://ffc.twu.edu/issue_5-1/rev_Rubin_5-1.html" http://ffc.twu.edu/issue_5-1/rev_Rubin_5-1.html. Media Appearances 2024 Interviewed and quoted in Denny, In the Wake of Gender Affirming Bans, the Intersex Community Demands Bodily Autonomy, reckon (January 23):  HYPERLINK "https://www.reckon.news/lgbtq/2024/01/in-the-wake-of-gender-affirming-bans-the-intersex-community-demands-bodily-autonomy.html" https://www.reckon.news/lgbtq/2024/01/in-the-wake-of-gender-affirming-bans-the-intersex-community-demands-bodily-autonomy.html. 2021 Interviewed and quoted in: Darren Incorvaia, Why Sex Is More Complicated Than A Simple Binary Suggests, Discover Magazine (September 28):  HYPERLINK "https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/sex-is-more-complex-than-a-simple-binary-suggests" https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/sex-is-more-complex-than-a-simple-binary-suggests. Works in Progress Any Body: Critical Intersex Pedagogy, Affect, and World-Making. Book ms. A Killjoy Pandemic Survival Kit. Book ms. Invited Talks Intersex, delivered at the Rethinking Womens and Gender Studies, Volume 2 Plenary, National Womens Studies Association Conference, November 15, 2024. The Intersex Exception, Womens and Gender Studies Department, Princeton University, May 2023. The Biopolitics of Transnational Intersex Humor, Womens and Gender Studies Consortium Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 14, 2023. Feeling Intersex Otherwise, Intercontinental Meet on Gender and Sexuality Studies, January 22, 2022. Intersex Care, Womens and Gender Studies Consortium Conference, University of Wisconsin, April 7, 2022. Intersex Care, Womens and Gender Studies Diversity Series, March 10, 2022. Rethinking Gender and Sex in Healthcare, Real Talk Roundtable, USF College of Medicine, March 3, 2022. Intersex Rage, Biopolitical Protest, and the Movement for Black Lives, Intercontinental Meet on Gender and Sexuality Studies, Jan 23, 2021. Intersex Rage, Biopolitical Protest, and the Movement for Black Lives, Womens and Gender Studies Anti-Racism Series, Department of Womens Studies, 911, January 2021. Intersex Rage, Biopolitical Protest, and the Movement for Black Lives, Department of Anthropology, Gender Studies, and International Studies, City University of New York, October 2020. Intersex and Trans: Beyond 101s, LGBTQ History Month Lecture, Office of Multicultural Affairs, 911, November 2019. Queer Feminist Reflections on the Future of Graduate Education in the Humanities, The Future of Graduate Education in the Humanities, Department of English, 911, February 2017. Thinking Intersex Otherwise: Disorders of Sex Development, Social Justice, and the Ethics of Uncertainty, Department of Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Emory University, February 2016. A Queer Feminist Critique of The Mask You Live In, Eckerd College, Womens and Gender Studies, October 2015. Sex, Gender, and The Trans* Community, 911 Residential Housing, 911, October 2015. Provincializing Intersex: U.S. Intersex Activism, Human Rights, and Transnational Body Politics, Thinking Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute, Ohio State University, July 2014. Intersex Activism and Human Rights in a Transnational Frame, Womens and Gender Studies, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, April 2013. Teaching Intersex: Beyond Additive and Exceptional Approaches, Womens and Gender Studies Symposium, Vanderbilt University, March 2013. The Biopolitics of Intersex, Department of Womens and Gender Studies, 911, February 2013. The Biopolitics of Intersex, Department of Women and Gender Studies, School of Social Transformation, Arizona State University, January 2013. Men, Masculinities, and Intersex, Mens Health and the Politics of Masculinity, Center for Medicine, Health, and Society Lecture Series, Vanderbilt University, October 2012. An Unnamed Blank that Craved a Name: A Genealogy of Intersex as Gender, Five Colleges Intersex Symposium, Mount Holyoke College, October 2012. An Unnamed Blank that Craved a Name: A Genealogy of Intersex as Gender, School of Cultural and Critical Studies, Bowling Green State University, April 2012. Incapacitation and the Ethics of Sex, Sex in the 21st Century Symposium, Vanderbilt University, March 2012. Teaching Gender and Sexuality, Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University, May 2011. Promising Complicities: On the Sex, Race, and Globalization Project (with Miranda Joseph), LGBT Studies, University of Arizona, February 2007. Sex, Race, and Globalization (with Miranda Joseph), Sexual Citizens or Transnational Queer Subjects? Sexuality Studies and the Emergency of Empire, Duke University, September 2005. Men and Feminism. Men and Feminism Conference, University of Arizona, March 2002. Selected PresentationsSelected Presentations The Intersex Exception and the Intersex Ungovernable, National Womens Studies Association Conference, Detroit, Michigan, November 15, 2024. Rethinking Feminist Cross-Border Relationality: Intersectionality and Transnationality in Translation, National Womens Studies Association Conference, Detroit, Michigan, November 15, 2024. The Intersex Exception and the Intersex Ungovernable, The 2nd International Trans Studies Conference, September 7, 2024. The Intersex Exception and the Intersex Ungovernable, WGS South, Spartanburg, South Carolina, March 30, 2024. Moderator and Organizer, Feminist Authors Showcase Session on Amanda Lock Swarr, Envisioning African Intersex: Challenging Colonial and Racist Legacies in South African Medicine, National Womens Studies Association, October 28, 2023. Teaching Transnational Feminist Theory, National Womens Studies Association, October 28, 2023. The Intersex Exception, National Womens Studies Association, October 28, 2023. Anti-trans Legislation in Florida, WGS South Conference, April 1, 2023. Moderator and Organizer, Author Meets Critics Session on Steven J. Thrasher, The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide, WGS South Conference, April 1, 2023. Teaching Transnational Feminist Theory, National Womens Studies Association, November 2022. The Biopolitics of Transnational Intersex Humor, National Womens Studies Association, November 2022. Moderator and Organizer, Author Meets Critics Session on Hil Malatino, Trans Care, National Womens Studies Association, November 2022. The Biopolitics of Transnational Intersex Humor, Living Feminisms Conference, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, October 2022. Author Meets Critics Session on Eric A Stanley, Atmospheres of Violence: Structuring Antagonism and the Trans/Queer Ungovernable, Southeastern Womens Studies Association, March 17, 2022. Against Intersex Exceptionalism, WGSRF Canada, March 2022. Teaching Feminist Theory Transnationally: Roundtable, National Womens Studies Association, November 16, 2021. Intersex Exceptionalism, National Womens Studies Association, October 15, 2021. The Intersex Issue (with Michelle Wolff) National Womens Studies Association, September 17, 2021. Moderator and Organizer, Author Meets Critics Session on Hil Malatino, Trans Care, South Eastern Womens Studies Association, March 9, 2021. Intersex Rage, Biopolitical Protest, and the Movement for Black Lives, South Eastern Womens Studies Association, March 8, 2021. Intersex Rage as Biopolitical Affect, Southeastern Womens Studies Association, March 27, 2020 (accepted; conference canceled). Intersex and Trans Studies: Genealogies, Tensions, Aggressions, Affinities, National Womens Studies Association, November, 2020 (accepted; conference canceled). Teaching Feminist Theory Transnationally, National Womens Studies Association, November 2020 (accepted; conference canceled). Aggression, Anger, and Attitude: Intersex Rage and Biopolitical Protest, National Womens Studies Association, November 14, 2019. Provincializing Intersex: Rights-based Regulation, Human Rights, and Neoliberalism, National Womens Studies Association, November 15, 2019. Roundtable on Reproductive Justice and Sexual Rights: Transnational Perspectives, National Womens Studies Association, November 16, 2019. Aggression, Anger, and Attitude: Intersex Rage and Biopolitical Protest, Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory, Clearwater, FL, October 3, 2019. Transing Negative Affect: How to Do Things with Bad Feelings, Southeastern Womens Studies Association, March 2019. Too Cute to Be Binary: Political Affect in Contemporary Intersex Activism, SEWSA LGBTQ Caucus Panel, Southeastern Womens Studies Association, March 2019. Dismantling, Dismantle: White Feminism, Antiblackness, and Negative Affect in Audre Lordes Masters Tools Essays, National Womens Studies Association, November 2018. Toward a Killjoy Ethics: Aggression and Negativity in Trans, Intersex, and Queer World-Making, SEWSA LGBTQ Caucus Panel, South Eastern Womens Studies Association, March 2018. Can the Subaltern Run? National Womens Studies Association, November 2017. Lost Causes: Gender Outlaws and Critical Negativity, National Womens Studies Association, November 2017. Queer Feminist Science Studies, National Womens Studies Association, November 2016. Thinking Intersex Otherwise: Disorders of Sex Development, Social Justice, and the Ethics of Uncertainty, Gender, Bodies, and Technology Conference, Virginia Tech University, April 2016. Rethinking Disorders of Sex Development: Intersex, Social Justice, and the Ethics of Uncertainty, National Womens Studies Association, November 2015. This Kinky Practice of Freedom: On Lips, Restoring Rifts, and Lynne Huffers Queer Feminist Ethics of Eros, Modern Language Association, January 2015. Queer Feminist Science Studies Unbound, National Womens Studies Association, November 2014. The Physiology and Biochemistry of Sex and Gender, National Womens Studies Association, November 2013. Queer Feminist Science Studies, Society for Social Studies of Science, September 2013. Men, Masculinities, and Intersex, National Womens Studies Association, November 2012. Intersex Activism, Medical Normalization, and Human Rights in a Transnational Frame, National Womens Studies Association, November 2011. Caster Semenya, Racialized Gender, and Extraordinary Bodies, South Eastern Womens Studies Association, March 2011. Caster Semenya, Racialized Gender, and Extraordinary Bodies, National Womens Studies Association, November 2010. The Gender Trouble with Womens Studies in Intersex Activism and Scholarship, South Eastern Womens Studies Association, March 2010. An Unnamed Blank that Craved a Name: A Genealogy of Intersex as Gender, Queer Visibilities, Emory University, January 2010. Thinking Intersex: John Money, Gayle Rubin, and the Sex/Gender Distinction, Modern Language Association, December 2009. Intersex Activism, Medical Normalization, and Human Rights in a Transnational Frame, Feminist Disability Theories and the Law Conference, Emory University, December 2009. Resistances to Feminist and Queer Theory in Intersex Activism, National Womens Studies Association, November 2009. Intersex Before and After Gender, National Womens Studies Association, November 2009. The Gender Trouble with Intersex in Womens Studies, South Eastern Womens Studies Association, April 2009. The Gender Trouble with Intersex in Womens Studies, Modern Language Association, December 2008. Interdisciplinary Disciplinarity, Cultural Studies Association, April 2007. Supplementarity and the Work of Critical Reading, Cultural Studies Association, April 2005. Womens Studies, Neoliberalism, and the Paradox of the Political. Womens Studies Colloquium, University of Arizona, April 2004. Whats the Point of Cultural Studies? Borders, Boundaries, Frontiers: New Directions in Critical Theory, University of Arizona, April 2004. Compulsory Monogamy and Queer Critique. Theory Matters: New Directions in Critical Theory, University of Arizona, May 2003. Feminism and Academic Institutionality, Reconsidered. Feminism and Activism, Arizona State University, February 2002. Teaching Experience Graduate: Advanced Feminist Theory Queer Theory Transnational Feminisms Queer Feminist Science Studies Undergraduate: Politics of Womens Health Queer Theory Sex and Gender in Everyday Life Women and Gender in Transnational Contexts Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Masculinity Studies Introduction to Womens Studies: Gender in a Transnational World Contemporary Feminist Theory Gender and Contemporary Society Transnational Feminisms Undergraduate Tutorials Chicana Studies, Cassidy Gomez, History, 911, Spring 2018. Transnational Feminisms, Azure Samuels, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida, Fall 2013. LGBT Studies: Theories and Histories, Suzie Heller, Womens and Gender Studies, Vanderbilt University, Fall 2010. Undergraduate Thesis Committees Cole Garrett (Honors), Coming Out Narratives in Contemporary Japan, Asian Studies, Vanderbilt University, Spring 2012. Undergraduate Thesis Director Marissa Reed (Honors), Honors College, 911, Spring 2020. Caroline Jackson (Honors), Transnormativity on Television: A Critical Analysis of the Narrativization of Trans Experiences on the Amazon Original Series Transparent Honors College, 911, Spring 2018. Paola Rivera-Adorno (Honors), The History of Eugenics, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of South Florida, Spring 2015. Kaajal Patel (Honors), Women of Colors Contributions to Modern Feminism, University of South Florida, Spring 2016. Graduate Tutorials Queer Theory, LJ Connoly, 911, Fall 2024. Trans Studies, Charles Suor, 911, Summer 2024. Queer Theory and Asexuality, Nicholas Collecio, 911, Summer 2024. Transnational Feminisms, Alisha Romano, 911, Summer 2021. Queer Feminist Science Studies, Cassidy Boe, 911, Spring 2021. Activism, Breanna Carter, 911, Spring 2020. Politics of Embodiment, Cera Shain, 911, Summer 2018. Black Trans Studies, Sunahtah Jones, 911, Summer 2018. Intersex Studies, Jamie Lane, 911, Summer 2017. Queer Theory, Laura Scarmoncin, History Department, 911, Spring 2016. Postcolonial Theory, Azure Samuels, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Fall 2014. Transgender Poetics and the History of Science, Emily August, English, Vanderbilt University, Spring 2011. Dissertation Committees Sara Berumen, An Assessment of Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Individuals Gender Affirming Health Care Practices in Greater Tampa Bay Area, Department of Anthropology, 911, in process. Hayden Fulton, Department of Sociology, 911, in process. Dove Wimbish, Department of Education, 911, in process. Will Ford-Mazrui, A Queer Ecocritical Reading of 18th Century Female Friendship, Department of English, 911, in process. Laura Leisinger, Precarity in the Haitian Diaspora, Department of Anthropology, University of South Florida, in process. Beatrice Neito Fernandez, Remaking Race: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing, Department of Communication, 911, Fall 2021. Sasha Sanders, Stop-Motion As Theory, Method, and Praxis: Arresting Moments of Racialized Gender in the Academy, Department of Communication, 911, Spring 2021. Zhenyu Tian, Gender and Entrepreneurial Subjectivity in Chinese Neoliberalism, Department of Communication, 911, Spring 2021. Clarisse Barbier, Social Exclusion of Women Accused of Witchcraft in Burkina Faso, Department of Anthropology, 911, Spring 2020. Ellie Browning, Regulating Sex: Discourse on Hyperandrogenism in International Athletic Policies, Department of English, 911, Spring 2016. Graduate Thesis Director LJ Connoly, in process. Spring 2025. Charles Suor, in process. Spring 2025. Faelyn Cowan, in process. Spring 2025. Sabeehah Ravat. Non-binary Athletes and the Future of Gender in Sport, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring, 2022. Fyn Assay, Fat Trans Studies, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Fall, 2020. Sunahtah Jones, Rethinking Transphobia and Anti-Blackness, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2019. Cera Shain, Female Bodybuilding and Gender Politics, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida, Spring 2019. Jamie Lane, Awareness, Ignorance, and Systematic Discourse: An Analysis of the M.C. Case, Intersex Media, and Intersex Activism, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2018. Mary McKelvie, Surveilling Hate/Obscuring Racism?: Hate Group Surveillance and the Southern Poverty Law Centers Hate Map, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Fall 2017. Sandra Carpenter, The Afro that Ate Kentucky: Appalachian Racial Formation, Lived Experience, and Intersectional Feminist Interventions, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida, Spring 2016. Graduate Thesis Committees Sara Berumen, An Assessment of Transgender and GNF Individuals Gender Affirming Health Care Practices and Experiences in the Greater Tampa Bay Area, Department of Anthropology, 911, in process. Cassidy Boe, A Feminist Science Studies Analysis of COVID-19 Communication, Department of Sociology, 911, in process. Ari Meyer, Perceptions of Anti-Immigrant Sentiment, Department of Psychology, 911, Fall 2020. Sherin Farhana Moni, Postcolonial Gendered Labor: A Case Study, Department of Communication, 911, Spring 2021. Leah Turner, Fat Studies, Body Image, and the Politics of Sexuality, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2019. Abby Schneller, Penalizing Pregnancy: A Feminist Legal Studies Analysis of Purvi Patels Criminalization, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2018. Shannon Suddeth, Dis)Enchanted: (Re)constructing Love and Creating Community in the Once Upon a Time Queer Fandom, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Summer 2017. Jessica Pinto, Resistance from Within: Domestic violence and rape crisis centers that serve Black/African American populations, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2017. Asli Aygunes, Mothers like us think differently: Mothers' Negotiations of Virginity in Contemporary Turkey, Womens and Gender Studies, University opf South Florida, Spring 2017. Richard Henry, Even Five Years Ago this Would Have Been Impossible: Health Care Providers Perspectives on Trans* Health Care, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2016. Kaeleen Kosmo, Tough Guy, Sensitive Vas: Analyzing Masculinity, Male Contraceptives & the Sexual Division of Labor, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2016. Mary Dickman, Lets Move: Biocitizens and the Fat Kids on the Block, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Fall 2015. Rakshinda Shaw, Rural Womens Education in Pakistan, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2015. Graduate Internship Committees Jonathan Rosenstadt, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2020. Samira Obeid, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2015. Jennie Reikin, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2016. Kelly Dyer, Womens and Gender Studies, 911, Spring 2016. University Servicetc "Service " \l 4 2024 Faculty Senate, 911 2022 Graduate Curriculum Committee, 911 2022 Search Committee, Contemporary Specialist, School of Art and Art History, University of South Florida 2021 VI Search Committee, Department of Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida 2021 Chair, Faculty Review Committee for Dr. Milton 911ndland Promotion 2020-present Co-Chair, Faculty Evaluation Committee, Department of Womens and Gender Studies, 911 2019-present Faculty Development Committee, 911 2019-present Faculty Advisor, Interfaith 911 for Reproductive Justice, 911 2019-present Academic Grievance and Integrity Review Board, 911 2019-present USF Honors and Awards Council, 911 2019-present USF SEWSA Conference Organization Committee, 911 2018-present Breen/Beavis Scholarship Committee, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida. 2016-present Brownbag Lecture Series Organizer, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida. 2016-present Queer Studies Minor Committee, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida. 2016-present Committee on Issues of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (CISOGI), Presidential Advisory Committee, 911. 2015-present Undergraduate Awards Committee, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida. 2015-present Undergraduate Recruitment Committee, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida. 2014-present Tenure and Promotion Committee, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida. 2014-present Faculty Evaluation Committee, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida. 2013-present SACS Assessment Committee, Womens and Gender Studies, University of South Florida. 2013-present Committee of the Whole, Womens and Gender Studies, 911. 2013-present Speaker Committee, Womens and Gender Studies, 911. 2013-present Faculty Adviser, Iota Iota Iota, Womens Studies Honor Society, University of South Florida. 2011-2013 Principal Organizer, Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Speaker Series, Vanderbilt University. 2011-2013 Womens and Gender Studies Executive Committee, Vanderbilt University. 2011-2013 Chair, Susan Wiltshire Graduate and Undergraduate Essay Contest, Womens and Gender Studies, Vanderbilt University. 2010-2013 Chair, Sexuality Studies @ Vanderbilt Colloquium, Vanderbilt University. 2010-2013 Womens and Gender Studies Steering Committee, Vanderbilt University. 2010-2013 Library Liaison, Womens and Gender Studies, Vanderbilt University. 2008 Feminist Theorizing Speaker Series Organizing Committee, Emory University. 2006-2007 Chair, Feminist Theorizing Speaker Series, Emory University. 2005 Adjunct Hiring Committee, Womens Studies, University of Arizona. 2005 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Womens Studies, University of Arizona. Conference Organization Committee, Borders, Boundaries, Frontiers: New Directions in Critical Theory, University of Arizona. Conference Chair, Theory Matters: New Directions in Critical Theory, University of Arizona. Service to the Field 2022-present Reviewer for Fordham University Press. 2022-Present Reviewer for Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 2022-present Reviewer for Routledge 2022-Present Reviewer for Duke University Press 2021-present Reviewer for Transgender Studies Quarterly 2021-present Reviewer for National Science Foundation 2021-present Reviewer for University of British Columbia Press 2021-present Reviewer for Transgender Studies Quarterly: TSQ 2021-present Reviewer for Womens Studies International Forum 2019-present Reviewer for International Journal of Gender, Sexuality, and Law 2018-present LGBTQ Caucus Chair, South Eastern Womens Studies Association 2018-present Reviewer for Rutgers University Press 2017-present Reviewer for Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 2016-present Reviewer for Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society 2015-present Member, South Florida Womens and Gender Studies Consortium 2014-present Reviewer for Oxford University Press 2013-present Feminist Science Studies Committee Member, National Womens Studies Association 2012-present Reviewer for Feminist Formations References Lynne Huffer Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department of Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Emory University 128 Candler Library, Atlanta, GA 30322 (404) 727-0096  HYPERLINK "mailto:lhuffer@emory.edu" lhuffer@emory.edu Rosemarie Garland-Thomson Professor of Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department of Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Emory University 128 Candler Library, Atlanta, GA 30322 (404) 727-7282  HYPERLINK "mailto:rgarlan@emory.edu" rgarlan@emory.edu Holloway Sparks Assistant Professor of Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department of Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Emory University 128 Candler Library, Atlanta, GA 30322 (404) 727-0116 (0) hsparks@emory.edu Last updated: May 11, 2021     PAGE  PAGE 9 CURRICULUM VITAE dqrs   Q   0 D E ױäא߈|sjhgCJ\aJh*CJaJhlh185>*CJaJh5>*CJaJhkCJaJhDjCJaJhCJaJ'DOP[mnj vF gd+9 v ^gdC v gd+9 h &dPgd h &dPgd+9 h &dPgd+9 h gdl$lmn,UWiwnwewWh`hC6CJ]aJh6CJaJh+96CJaJh@Xh|g?6CJaJhCJaJhR2qCJaJh@Xh|g?CJaJh|g?CJaJh+9CJaJh|g?5CJaJhA5CJaJh185CJaJhhCCJaJh~6CJ]aJh`6CJ]aJhCCJaJhChC6CJ]aJiks24JK^`aqtuwȿ}u}uiui`iXuXu}uhanCJaJh~6CJaJh~h~6CJaJh~CJaJhzCJaJh8h36CJaJh86CJaJh3h36CJaJh8CJaJh3CJaJh|g?5CJaJhdY5CJaJhR2q5CJaJh@XhCCJaJh >-6CJ]aJhChC6CJ]aJhC6CJ]aJ"aq~+34Y#u[$\$^gdU*[$\$^gd8 [$\$gd8^gd8gd8 h &dPgd v gdv> vF F^F`gd~ vF gd+9'9:IJKjlstz~*-1234IJWXYû{oc{Wh hW"5CJaJhz5CJaJhzhy5CJaJhzhR2q5CJaJ hR2qhR2qhv>CJaJhgCJaJh+96CJaJhyhR2q6CJaJhR2qCJaJhCJaJh+9CJaJhanCJaJhxe6CJaJhzhz6CJaJhKCJaJh\6CJaJhzCJaJ Y#&'=@FWXtuּ{l[M[h3B*CJ]aJph hk-hU*B*CJ]aJphhk-hk-B*CJaJph#h8hU*6B*CJ]aJph!hk-hU*0JB*CJaJphhk-hU*B*CJaJphh86B*CJ]aJph#hk-hU*6B*CJ]aJphh3CJaJhk-hU*CJaJh8h86CJaJh8CJaJh8h8CJaJ@HIY  2=BCܽ|qiaYQF;h8hKCJaJhKhbCJaJhKCJaJhbCJaJh~CJaJhU*CJaJh}!h}!CJaJhdhdCJaJhdCJaJhbh}!6CJaJh}!CJaJh}!B*CJaJphhU*B*CJ]aJph hk-hk-B*CJ]aJphhk-B*CJ]aJph hk-hU*B*CJ]aJph#h}!hU*6B*CJ]aJphIr,klNO F@F^Fgdb F@gdb F@gd+9 F@gdK F@gd}![$\$^gdk- [$\$gdU*CDHJY\oqsvw*+,-.MOQVW]^`giklȼȴȴȬȤȤȴȊzhkCJaJh!~CJaJh\6CJaJhan6CJaJhxe6CJaJhxeCJaJhKCJaJhanCJaJh~h~6CJaJh~CJaJhLDCJaJhKCJaJhbCJaJhKhbCJaJhbhb6CJaJ,024AJNOQRSTUr-.BCXºʲ²zʂnenenzʺhQ6CJaJh8h86CJaJhQCJaJhm@CJaJh4CJaJhzhzCJaJhz6CJaJhIyhIy6CJaJhIyCJaJhzCJaJh#!CJaJh8CJaJh~CJaJhLDCJaJhbCJaJhb6CJaJh~hb6CJaJ'.CD89C hF@gd+9 h gd+9 v gddY v gd+9 F@F^FgdQ F@gd+9"BCDHpȿȞvnfZfODOhR2qh CJaJhR2qhyCJaJhv>hdY6CJaJhdYCJaJhv>CJaJh+9CJPJaJh" CJPJaJhCJPJaJhgCJPJaJhR2qhR2qCJPJaJhgCJaJhR2qhR2q6CJaJhy6CJaJhR2qhR2qCJaJhCJaJh+9CJaJhm@CJaJh8CJaJhQh86CJaJ 789? @BFૢ藋藃wll`XlPhCJaJhgCJaJhR2q6CJaJhR2qCJaJhR2qh+95CJaJhteCJaJhR2qhte6CJaJhR2qhteCJaJh+95CJaJhR2qhR2qCJaJhR2qh+9CJaJhyCJaJhR2qhy6CJaJhR2qhyCJaJh+9CJaJhCJaJh?0CJaJhbCJaJ'6CJk  + , - ? 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