ࡱ> Z\Y1 0bjbj>> >4\qh\qh(& & 8$(<ddzzzbdddddd$ #f-zz4zzbbz ~<N0#j$#$$Xj$& X ~:  CURRICULUM VITAE Dajin Peng ADDRESS School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies SOC 107 The University of South Florida Tampa, FL 33620 Tel. (813) 842-6573 USA 13920839601 China E-Mail: peng@cas.usf.edu EDUCATION Field of Study: International Relations, China, Japan International Business, Business Organization, Corporate Culture, Corporate Strategy, China, Japan, Southeast Asia Post-doctor, Waseda University, Tokyo, March 1997 August 1998 Ph.D. 1995, Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University M. A. 1988. Economics, The University of Akron M. A. 1986, International Relations, Institute of International Relations, Beijing, China B. A. 1982, English, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China ACADEMIC HONORS, AWARDS AND GRANTS Social Science Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, resided in Waseda University, Tokyo, March 1997 August 1998 Invited Presentation at the Asian Business Conference, Harvard Business School, February 2004 ACADEMIC HONORS, AWARDS AND GRANTS (Continued) University Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2001-2002, the 911 Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, Princeton University, 1992, 1989-1991 PUBLICATIONS (partial, due to health and other reasons, my research was seriously compromised until recently) Infinite Space: the Power of Economic Operations, book manuscript (in Chinese) accepted by Beijing BSD Cultural Development Co., 2022 East Asia and China: How the Rise of China Will Affect the Region, in progress, to be submitted to a major academic journal, 2022 The Role of Japan In East Asian Economy and Economic Integration, in Quahsheng Zhao (ed.) Japanese Diplomatic Study and Sino-Japanese Relations, Hong Kong: Wunan Publisher, 2015. pp. 355-376 Subregional Economic Zones and Integration in East Asia, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 117, No. 4, Winter 2002. also presented at the American Asian Business Society Annual Meting, Sam Francisco, January 2002. Invisible Linkages: A Regional Perspective of East Asian Political Economy, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 3 (September 2002), also presented at the 2001 International Studies Association Hong Kong Convention, July 2001. Changing Nature of East Asia as an Economic Region, Pacific Affairs, Vol. 73, No. 2 (Summer 2000); also presented at the 1997 International Business Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, and at the 17th World Congress of International Political Science Association, Seoul, August 1997. Ethnic Chinese Business Networks and Asia Pacific Integration, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. 35, No. 2 (May 2000); also presented at the 1998 APSA Annual Meeting, Boston, September 1998. Does Confucianism Matter? - The Role of East Asian Culture in Economic Development in East Asia, in Economic Development in Twentieth Century East Asia, edited by Aiko Ikeo, London: Routledge, 1997, also presented in the 2nd Symposium on East Asia in the 20th Century, Tokyo, September 1995 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2007-09 founding director of the Confucius Institute at the 911 2001. Associate Professor, Department of Government and International Affairs, 911 1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Government and International Affairs, 911 1994 Instructor, Department of Government and International Affairs, 911 1986 Research fellow, Institute of Contemporary International Relations, Beijing, China 1982 Instructor of English for Economics, MidSouth Finance and Economics University, Wuhan, China ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP International Studies Association American Political Science Association Association of Asian Studies Chinese American Association of Political Scientists LANGUAGES AND TECHNIQUES Chinese (native speaker), Japanese (completion of the advanced Japanese in the Japanese Center of Waseda University, Third-Year Japanese in Princeton University, second year in the Middlebury College), English, some Korean and French Strong training in economics and quantitative &(*@BDFHX\^lr6 b     ( ) * 8 I R T a       $ * ` a ٺh\ROJQJhBOJQJh89>*ϴ895Oϴ#)qʴϴԱ(ٱqϴԱ(ٱqϴϴ895Oϴ8989ϴ<&(*@BDFX\6 b      p@ P@ `@ $ p@ Pa$ p@ P ) *   ` a $ % & I  p@ P0]0 p@ P0]0` p@ P^ p@ P p@ P`a  $ % & I J    N O P  abcdr./4<=pq234oºh89CJOJQJhqnhqn6OJQJhPOOJQJhqnOJQJhjxOJQJh6!OJQJh6!h6!OJQJh\ROJQJh\R5OJQJh 5OJQJh895OJQJh89OJQJ9I J   O P cdpq p@ P^gdqn p@ Pgd  p@ P^ p@ Pq23m p@ P^gd7,N p@ P^gdH p@ P^gd  p@ P^ p@ P p@ P^gdqn o4]|4C4`P*+Suz{[\]hvOJQJh OJQJhvOJQJnHtHhPOOJQJnHo(tHhPOOJQJh89h89OJQJ\h895OJQJh89H*OJQJh896OJQJh89OJQJh896OJQJ]7*+[\ p@ P p@ P` p@ P^KLMNOWijBHMUVb00000000000000000000000000 h89CJhH%OJQJmHnHuh89OJQJjh89OJQJUh89hXjhXUUhvOJQJnHtHhvOJQJnHo(tHh895OJQJhvOJQJh89OJQJh895OJQJ\4LMNijUV0000000000d p@ P^ p@ Pmethods. Have training in Statistical Analysis, Advanced Mathematics, Game Theory, Econometrics. Familiar with numerous computer programs and Internet Resources.     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