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Associate Level Certificate, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Center for the Integration of Research Teaching and Learning. QUIKBOOKS endorsement- certification for bookkeeping and budgeting Best Practices in Teaching Certification, University of Tennessee, 2018 Diversity and Inclusion Training Certificate TEACHING HONORS, AWARDS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 2020 Nomination for GTA of the Year 2020 Recognized as a Fulton County Teaching Rising Star 2018 Florida State Testing: Highest Test Scores in Pinellas County 2017 Teacher of the Year Gulfport Elementary Publications 2021- Serving Many Principals: The SG as an Agent Co-Author: Richard Pacelle. 2021- A Culture of Apathy and Shame 2022- Value-Added Models: Policy Diffusion CONFERENCES: SPSA: 2022: Presenter, Paper: Serving Many Principals: The SG as an Agent Co-Author: Richard Pacelle. MPSA: 2022: Presenter, Paper: Value-Added Models: Policy Diffusion Presentations AND TRAININGS LED: HIPAA: Understanding and Navigating through HIPAA and its components Faculty and Staff at the University of Tennessee, 2019 Canvas Training: Tips, Tricks, and an Overall General Understanding Faculty and Staff at the University of Tennessee and at Pinellas County Schools, 2020 Teacher Mentor/Mentee Program and Internship completed with Pinellas County Schools and the University of Tennessee, 2017-2021 Academic Grants and Fellowships 2018-2021 Chancellors Fellowship, University of Tennessee 2021 SEC Emerging Scholars Program 2021 MPSA Mentor/Mentee Program 2021 APSA Travel Grant 2020 Lauren Bassi Scholarship Non-profit work and grants: Creation and editing of bylaws for the Political Science Graduate Student Association for the University of Tennessee Division. Seminar in National Endorsement for the Humanities (NEH) Grant Writing Humane Society of America Volunteer and Trainer Humane Society of Tennessee Valley: Training Facilitator Board Member for Brandywine at Turkey Creek Boys and Girls Club of America PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES President, American Society for Public Administration, University of Tennessee 2019 2020. Member, Political Science Graduate Student Association, University of Tennessee 2018-present. Member, Phi Theta Kappa, Florida Southern College 2001-2006. Member, Psi Chi, 2004-2006. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: American Political Science Association Midwest Political Science Association Southern Political Science Association American Society of Public Administration REFERENCES: Dr. David Houston, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Email: dhouston@utk.edu Dr. Michael Fitzgerald, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Email: mfitzge1@utk.eduDr. Richard Pacelle, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Email:rpacelle@utk.edu     PAGE  PAGE 5  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 12 | Page Kirsten England  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 | Page Kirsten England &'./0DEZ[rstu     % Ͳ͒zzj]]hK6OJPJQJ]h9hK6OJPJQJ]h9hK5OJPJQJhOJPJQJ"HhzhK5OJPJQJhOJPJQJmHsH h9hKOJPJQJmHsHhKOJPJQJh9hKOJPJQJh9hKPJaJh9hKOJPJQJaJhKOJPJQJaJ$'E[stu l   ^gd8R & F$gdK$a$gdK @ ^gdgdK$ l$dNa$gdR &dPgdK% ( 0 E X c l q y    . / 6 X o p ~    . / X ~ X ~ W X c ǻǰǤǙǑh8ROJQJhnhKOJQJhfthK6OJQJh_<hKOJQJh5hK6OJQJhKOJQJh9hK6OJPJQJ]h9hKOJPJQJh8ROJPJQJhKOJPJQJ9  / W=` e & F#1$gdK1$gdKgdK & FgdKgdK & F^gdK' & 0` P@ d1$^ `gdKc ~ VWX~(<=X_`~  2Xdewx~׼בh9hR5OJPJQJhRhROJPJQJ^Jh9hKOJPJQJhKhKOJPJQJ^JhKOJPJQJ^Jh$ hKOJPJQJ^JhKOJQJ^JhKOJPJQJh$ hKOJPJQJhKOJQJ/exArs!il1$gdR gdR  h^hgdR @ h^hgdR @ gdRgdR & F#1$gdR & F#1$gdK  $%@ACRqrsvx{ !(-16Whiklpʾʱʢ h8RhRCJOJPJQJaJh8RhRCJOJQJaJh8RhROJQJaJhROJPJQJaJh8RhROJPJQJaJh9hROJPJQJh9hR5OJPJQJhR5OJPJQJ9#$%(3JKVWYZ~;BLMNOY]^_²h wh8R h9hKhK$h9hK6;OJPJQJ\]h9hK5;OJPJQJh$ hROJPJQJ^Jh8RhROJPJQJaJh8RhRCJOJQJaJ h8RhRCJOJPJQJaJ7$%WMNO^_EFgdK & F@&gdK & FgdKh^hgdK^gdKgdK gdK^gdKgdKDEFY_/01Yagh JKLMYZ`aǺ||!h5 %hK@B*OJQJphh hK5;OJPJQJhK5;OJPJQJh9hK5;OJPJQJh9hKOJPJQJh9hK5OJPJQJ\ h9h8Rh8RhKOJQJh9hKOJQJhK h9hK'01h KLZHJWX  gdK^gd w$a$gdK & F1$7$8$H$gdKgdK^gdK & F@&gdKa"5GHIJVðtttfXJ@h9hK5\hW&hK5OJPJQJh9hK5OJPJQJh wh w@OJQJ]h9h w@OJQJ]h w@OJQJ]hK@OJQJ]h whK6@OJQJhK@OJQJ$h5 %hK6@B*OJQJph'h5 %hK6@B*OJQJ]ph!h5 %hK@B*OJQJph.h5 %hKB*OJQJfHphq VWXYvw{ )*̷{mbmbbREhK5;OJPJQJh9hK5;OJPJQJhK@OJQJ]h9hK@OJQJ] hZhKh9hK6@OJQJh9hK6@OJQJ]hK@OJQJh9hK@OJQJ(hKB*OJQJfHph"""q .h9hKB*OJQJfHph"""q hK h9hKh9h w5\ hK5\ *+BD !Stuh1$7$8$H$^hgdKm$1$7$8$H$gdKm$ 1$7$8$H$gdKgdK$a$gdK*+2Yo;ABCDYp !RSYYstu&'(CSTUǺǺh9hK;OJPJQJ\hKOJPJQJh9hKOJPJQJh9hK5;OJPJQJhK5;OJPJQJhKB*OJQJphh5 %hKB*OJQJph?'(TUtuv_^gdK & F gdK & F gdKh`hgdKgdK$a$gdK$`^``a$gdK1$7$8$H$gdKm$h1$7$8$H$^hgdKm$UYstuvY^_ !GHYstuvû͖͖}qqh3 hKOJQJ]h3 hK5OJQJ]hK5OJQJ]hKOJQJhBhKOJQJh@q$hKOJQJ hZhKhZhK]hZhK5]hKh9hK6]h9hK5\ hK5\ h9hKh9hKOJPJQJ+!Htuv ; < t unkd$$IflE t0644 lap ytO0$If^`0gdOgdKgdK   : ; < I J Q Y _ s t y Ǽyh_h,Y5CJOJQJhA@h,Y h,Y0Jjh,Y0JUhjhUhKh8RPJh8ROJQJh3 h8ROJQJh.a6OJQJh3 h8R6OJQJ h8RPJ h3 hKh3 hK6OJQJh3 hKOJQJ/t  !%$dNgd[h]h&`#$ $]a$gd#+h]h&`#$`gd8R !!!!! !!!!! !!!ټٰټٰvhKh8RPJhhW&@<B*CJaJphh @<B*CJaJph!h#+h,Y@<B*CJaJphh#+h,Y5CJaJ"h^h^5CJaJmHnHuh#+h,YCJaJjh#+h,YCJUaJhA@h,Yjh,Y0JU h,Y0J !!! !!!`gd8R !%$dNgd[S 00P+p/R 4:p_/ =!"#$n% Dp$$If!vh#vE:V l t065E/ p ytOx0p2&6FVfv2&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~8XPx 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666OJQJ_HmH nH sH tH <`< ?@?NormalCJ_HmH sH tH JJ h. 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