
Courses (Past and Present)

Spring 2025 courses

FIL 1002: Introduction to Film Studies (Scott Ferguson)
HUM 1020: Introduction to the Humanities (multiple sections, including 100% online)
AMS 2030: Introduction to American Studies (Andrew Berish)
HUM 2522: Introduction to the Cultural Study of Popular Music (Andrew Berish)
AMS 2270:  20th Century American Culture (Michael McDowell)
FIL 3077/HUM 6584: Contemporary Film & New Media/Global Cinema to 1960 (Olivia Cosentino)
AMS 3212: 19th Centruy American Culture (Jason Vickers)
HUM 3241: Art in Dante's Italy (James D'Emilio)
HUM 3552: Christianity & Film (William Cummings)
HUM 4261/HUM 6939: Utopia & Science Fiction (Ben Goldberg)
HUM 4391: Russia in Cinema (Victor Peppard)
HUM 4391/HUM 6587: Bollywood Cinema (Angsumala Tamang)
HUM 4464/HUM 6587: Latin American Cinema (Olivia Cosentino)
FIL 4839/HUM 6588: Film Noir & the 911±¬ÁÏÍøstern (Todd Jurgess)
HUM 4890: Ancient Epic (James D'Emilio)
HUM 4890: Fantastic Films of Early German Cinema (Stephan Schindler)
HUM 4930/HUM 6939: The World of Plato's Republic (Brendan Cook)
AMS 4930/6934: American Wilderness: Wild Florida
AMS 4930/6805: About Face: Race and Theatre (Deb Kochman)
HUM 6586/HUM 6801: Cultural Studies Theory and Method (Scott Ferguson)


FIL 4832: Horror Film (Amy Rust)
HUM 1020: Introduction to Humanities (multiple sections, including 100% online)
HUM 2230: Renaissance 20th Century (Ben Goldberg)
HUM 2593: Science in Cultural Context (Ben Goldberg)
HUM 2250: The 20th Century (Sara Callahan)
AMS 2270:  20th Century American Culture (Michael McDowell)
AMS 3930:  Jazz & Civil Rights (Andrew Berish)
AMS 4930/AMS 6934: Burlesque (Deborah Kochman)
FIL 1002: Introduction to Film Studies (Olivia Cosentino)
FIL 3052/HUM 6583: Foundations of Film & New Media/Global Cinema to 1960 (Todd Jurgess)
FIL 4870/HUM 6588: Film, Sound & Music (Maria Cizmic)
HUM 3237: The 17th Century (Brendan Cook)
HUM 3231: The Renaissance (Brendan Cook)
HUM 3241: Central Medieval/Gothic Europe (James D'Emilio)
HUM 3557: Jews, Christians & Muslims (James D'Emilio)
HUM 3804: Cultural Studies Theory/ Method (Todd Jurgess)
HUM 4391/HUM 6939: Culture Post Colonialism [Asia] (Angsumala Tamang)
HUM 4890/HUM 6588: Animation History & Theory (Scott Ferguson)
HUM 6814: Introduction to Graduate Study (Sara Callahan)
HUM 6815: Research Seminar (Scott Ferguson)


Course Descriptions from 2019-PRESENT