Meredith Johnson

DeBartolo Chair in Liberal Arts


Office: CPR 301-J
Phone: 813-974-0109


Dr. Meredith A. Johnson (formerly Meredith Zoetewey) is DeBartolo Chair in Liberal Arts and Professor of Professional and Technical Communication at the University of South Florida. Her first book, , co-authored with W. Michele Simmons and Patricia Sullivan, was published by Routledge as part of their ATTW Series in Technical and Professional Communication. It won the 2020 CCCC Research Impact Award. Her current book project with Nathan R. Johnson, Affective Infrastructures: Sensing Urban Development, investigates how sensory experience is invoked in public deliberation about transportation planning. Johnson’s scholarship has appeared in edited collections and journals, including Technical Communication Quarterly, Technical Communication, IEEE: Transactions on Professional Communication, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Review of Communication, enculturation, Computers and Composition: An International Journal, and Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. She is the recipient of the Nell Ann Pickett Award for Best Article in Technical Communication Quarterly, the National Communication Association’s Distinguished Book Chapter Award for Philosophy of Communication, and USF’s Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award.

Johnson teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Department of English and the Judy Genshaft Honors College. She has served as Director of the Graduate Program in Rhetoric and Composition and the Interim Director of the Undergraduate Major in Professional Writing, Rhetoric, and Technology. She currently directs the Graduate Certificate in Professional and Technical Communication which she also founded.


Johnson’s teaching has been recognized with USF’s Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award. Her graduate students have won USF’s Outstanding Dissertation Award and CCCC’s Outstanding Dissertation Award in Technical Communication. They have gone on to tenure-track and collegiate teaching positions, including placements at the University of Kentucky, Virginia Tech, University of Pennsylvania, University of Arkansas, Appalachian State University, Old Dominion, and Middle Tennessee State University. Those seeking employment in industry have gone on to work for Marvel, DC Comics,, Red Hat, and the Palm Harbor Public Library. Johnson brings her expertise in civic engagement, public participation and deliberation, usability, visual rhetoric, well-being, professional and technical communication (PTC), and PTC program administration to her students’ research projects and to her classroom.


Undergraduate Teaching at 911±¬ÁÏÍø
IDH 3400 The Science of Happiness and 911±¬ÁÏÍøll-Being: Honors College Seminar
IDH 3600 Visualizing Health Equity: Honors College Seminar
ENC 4218 Visual Rhetoric for Technical Communication
ENC 4260 Advanced Technical Writing
ENC 3416 New Media for Technical Communication
ENC 3250 Professional Writing
ENC 3310 Expository Writing
Graduate Teaching at the 911±¬ÁÏÍø
ENC 6261 Professional and Technical Communication Theory
LIT 6934 Practicum in Teaching Professional and Technical Writing
LIT 6934 Theories of  Visual Rhetoric
ENC 6421 Studies in Rhetoric and Technology
LIT 6934 Democracy in the Post-Truth Era
ENG 6009 Introduction to Graduate Study


Organizational Resilience and 911±¬ÁÏÍøll-being; Theories and Practice of Professional and Technical Communication; Public Deliberation and Sensation


Purdue University, English – Rhetoric and Composition, PhD (2005) & MA (2000)