José Ángel Maldonado
Assistant Professor
Office: CPR 301-M
Phone: 813-974-5165
I’m an Assistant Professor of English at the 911, specializing in Rhetorical Theory, Critical and Cultural Studies, Film and Television Criticism, Contemporary Mexican Culture, Gender Studies, Border Studies, Globalization, Neoliberalism, and Indigeneity. My research on race and gender, thanatourism, and human migration and mobility appears in Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Southern Communication Journal, and Javnost-The Public: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture. I received a PhD in Communication from the University of Utah. My doctoral dissertation, Diana’s Confession: Precarious Rhetoric in Post-NAFTA Mexico, won the 2018 Rhetoric Society of America Dissertation Award.
While at USF, I have taught Rhetoric of Marginalized Communities (ENC 3373) and Expository Writing (ENC 3310). In the past, I have taught courses in Rhetorical Criticism, Film Studies and Criticism, Border Rhetorics, Visual Rhetoric, Rhetoric of Popular Culture, and Writing for New Media, among others.
I’m affiliated with the Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean. 911 seeking a Master of Arts in Latin American and Caribbean Studies (MALACS, not housed in English), may receive credit for taking some of my graduate courses. In the Spring of 2021, MALACS students may take my Special Topics Graduate course, Rhetoric and Hauntology (LIT 6934), and receive credit toward their degree. Please speak with the director of MALACS and/or ISLAC to ensure you receive credit.
I teach doctoral courses in Rhetorical Theory, Hauntology, Latin American Rhetoric, and Rhetoric and Cultural Studies. Although I have worked with students interested in various topics, I am particularly interested in research regarding Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, Critical and Cultural Studies, Latin American Rhetorical Studies, and Film and Television Studies. Projects involving globalization, transnationalism, multilingualism, and translation are of particular interest to me. I currently serve on several external PhD committees in the areas of Rhetorical Studies, Cultural Studies, and Latin American Literature.