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Hannah Raitz
Office: CIS 3015
Hannah Raitz (M.A. Auburn University) is an incoming PhD student at the University of South Florida. Her research interests lie in interpersonal, political, and health communication. More specifically, she is interested in studying how memorable messages that children and young adults are exposed to influence their attitudes and behavior towards a variety of contexts. Her previous research has looked at the impact of memorable messages on political attitudes and voting behaviors, specifically in the context of the 2024 presidential election. Hannah is passionate about education on childhood development and political socialization and hopes to continue doing research in these areas.
Hannah is a recipient of the Bert Bradley Award for outstanding graduate students and a finalist of the prestigious and competitive 3-Minute-Thesis competition at Auburn University. She has previously presented her research at the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication as well as the National Communication Association Annual Conference.
Interpersonal Communication, Political Communication, Health Communication
Marleah Dean Kruzel